
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Happy full moon Nov.17th 2013

Happy Full moon November 17, 2013
In the Northern hemisphere this moon is called: Hunter’s Moon, Frosty Moon, or Beaver Moon. In the Southern Hemisphere: Corn Moon, Milk Moon, Flower Moon, Hare Moon.

Now is a time of mental clarity after the intensity of the recent eclipse. The senses will be peaked and the sensuality strong. Taurus energy is on high and also brings that polarity of chilling out and enjoying life. Enjoying the pleasures of life of fun and leisure.

Relationships of all sorts, even with things such as money are the focus now and they will see lots of action. Let it be awesome. Hold these with love and positiveness. Let go of fears and enjoy.

Key words: sensuality, relationships, love, surrender

I let go of fear and embrace ecstasy
I enjoy the bounty of life


  1. Beautiful Lisa...thanks..this is much needed love you always <3

    1. Love you too sis. Full~moon blessings showered on you ☺♥♥♥
