
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Happy Full~ blood Moon September 27th, 2015!!!!

This full blood moon is a super moon and there is also a lunar eclipse!!!  This Aries moon comes to us with much vibrancy and adventure.  Part of this is an amazing creative flow which can go in various directions.

This is a time of “out with the old in with the new” as old things are released and we can see the new doors before us with powerful potential! The newest and truest self-emerging and all the things we thought were us falling by the wayside.

Relationships of all sorts are at the forefront now.

Key words:
Truth, power, excitement

 I enter the doors that lead to my truth.
All I desire is before me now.

Stones for this cycle:
Sapphire: This rock is considered to be one of wisdom and prosperity and is a good balancing stone
Blood stone: Is a strong healing stone and is grounding and protective.

Full moon names:
Northern hemisphere:  Fruit Moon, Harvest Moon, blood moon
Southern hemisphere: Worm Moon, Lenten Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon, Chaste Moon, Sap Moon
 ©Lisa Ann Ulibarri

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Happy New~ Moon September 13th, 2015!!!!

This New moon comes to us with a solar eclipse which creates a cool magic all its own.  Those ah-ha awareness moments could come out suddenly. Be ready for them. You may find yourself just rearing to go on new things, perhaps feeling that spiritual connection ever stronger.
I look at this moon phase as one to truly celebrate the awesomeness of the mind… the logical and creative.  Let them flow together and see what grooviness happens.  When we look at ourselves whole things are so much better!
Neutrality brings with it ones desire. These words came in clearly to me. In other words sometimes we just got to let things happen.  Are you ready to allow the things you want most in life? Well then this eclipse will help loosen what has held you back.

Key words:  breaking free, harmony, desire

 I allow my life to unfold as I desire it.
  My mind is a wonderful part of me!

Stones for this cycle:
Magnetite (aka: lodestone magnetic hematite) this is an amazing balancing stone that helps one to trust our intuition. It helps with telepathy and meditation and healing. (This is a magnetic stone.)
Sugilite:  Is one of the love stones and opens us up to love by opening the chakras. It also opens channeling abilities, and promotes positive.

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri