
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Happy New~ Moon June 16th, 2015!!!!

This is a Gemini moon; the twins.  So many wonderful things come up with this.

 Now is the time to really see life in a harmonious way.  Use all parts of self; the logic and the creative sides of the lovely mind. And yes celebrate it as well. The mind is a fabulous thing that gets a bum rap.

Communication is paramount in this cycle as well.  What can you do to really make your communications flow well now?  The recent retrograde we just passed always comes with wonderful things we can incorporate into our life.  What awesomeness came to you?  Perhaps just a confirmation of what you have always known. Or new ways of seeing and doing things.

The essence of self is saying listen to your truth pursue and live it with bravery. Have faith and all shall be as it is intended to be.  Your destiny is shouting to you.

The sacred union begs to be expressed in its union of feminine and masculine. With the added influence of Mars the masculine action comes out and says time for truth and action and creativity.

Key words: destiny, communicate, essence
I guard well my thoughts and communicate with love.
I trust in me and I prosper.
My destiny is before me and I accept it.

Stones for this cycle:
Sandstone: Sandstone is a good stone to build relationships encouraging love and acceptance and discouraging grumpiness and temper.
Peridot: Opens the heart, motivates growth and change where needed; taking personal responsibility.
Variscite: Encourages unconditional love, helps one to think clearly. Gives hope and courage.

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri

1 comment:

  1. Lovely words and your knowledge is wonderful <3 thanks always for sharing you infinitely
