
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Happy New Moon March 9th, 2016!!!!

This whole March has the fabulous influence of Pisces like one of my favorite quotes says” flow like the river” and flow indeed. You will be feeling things move forward in a wonderful way. Things are changing some things will stay and be better some things will pass.  This change is powerful and there is the feeling of ahhhhhhh yes I have arrived. Revel in it and see what wonders come with it.  That extra oomph comes from this being a super moon and a time of solar eclipse.  Know that likewise the influence of Capricorn is a focal now too so this enhances this flow;  adding a sureness and striving and definite success.


The fool is symbolic of taking that leap of faith. daring to be and take chances no matter what others think. And thus this is the beauty of the fool

You will be a bit more willing to take that leap of faith and not worry so much about outcomes. And in it you will thrive beyond what you could imagine. 

Look at it as a Spring cleaning time.. With Spring so near that influence for this is NOW.  Begin to take inventory and see what needs to be released and what can stay and make use of the things to stay. With the clean out you have created space for the things you desire so enjoy them be it others or things or maybe even career choices. The possibilities are endless. 

Let the Pisces waters guide you to your heart’s desire now. You are brave and invincible know it as it is so!

Life is beautiful!

“Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place you must find.”
— Dr. Wayne Dyer

Key words: ease, faith, healing
 I let the ease of life flow to me and through me in an endless and growing cycle.
It is so.
Stones for this cycle:

Aquamarine: This lovely stone purifies helping us to let go of any judgments, fears etc. which is rather beneficial at this time for that clean slate/Spring newness we are welcoming. And what is left is our abilities being peaked

Blood stone:  Let yourself feel the healing, purifying, grounding, protective nature of this lovely stone. See all you need is available for you now to thrive so let it be.  Also helps you to be in the NOW.   

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri
Reiki master
Energy healer


  1. I am praying this is so. There has been alot of drama in my life this month with a move I made. So many problems yet I am still flowing with it.....Blessings sis. <3

  2. I have had the same sis. Sometimes things get stirred up to shake loose old stuff and then the new can come in. blessings and love ☺ ♥
