
Friday, May 20, 2016

5 planets retrograde/Full~moon May 21,2016

It has been 10 years since we have encountered a retrograde of this magnitude so this awesome flow of retrograde energy promises to bring lots of change.
Many are taken aback by retrogrades and see them as a time of “going backwards” well Loves, the universe does not flow backwards. But life is about looking at all sides of things and thus this is what retrograde does for us.
I want you all to remember we are in a 9 year, a year of healing. That means many things for many individuals. Last year was getting us ready for this in a major way. Now we are ready.
So let’s take a look at what this retrograde is all about. Well, the five planets involved are Pluto, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn; a beautiful cosmic purging.  So how are they in retrograde?
Pluto is about looking at what we have let go and seeing the results of this.
Mercury is the most well known in the cycle of retrograde and can open communicate that is needed.
Mars, sometimes we need to not be of action but to chill out and take time to recoup.
Jupiter will be whispering to us of fortune and growth more so your thoughts and ideas of this and how to get clear on it all.
Saturn, will really be looking at that all is flowing well in our lives. Are finances in check and the basics, of home and food etc? Or what needs to be improved on?
It is a lot of change but not all of us need to change on all levels. Yet all the same isn’t it cool that this cosmic flow is going on to help us to have that flow we all desire. See this healing is one that will change us for the long run. It is all about coming into our personal best/truth.  And the universe is there nudging us forward saying Ya, now is the time, you got this!
Change for many of us comes with a relief to move forward others may hold on tight to what is familiar and not be feeling so great. If you are in the later situation please take time for our self in silence so as not to take out feelings on others. And let the flip side of the situation keep you forward. Smile the best is right in your grasp.
I honestly see this as a time to show how awesome we all are. How we have boundless potential and that now is a time to own it and let it be.
So my loves take this time of awesome planet retrograde and what seeds you planted during the Full moon. So much has built up for you and now it is coming to fruition. You will be looking at values and what needs to be let go of. It’s time for us to look at the big picture now and the things that flow with our heart and soul and seeing our value to make those changes knowing the support is there. Everything had been preparing us for these shifts. You may have felt them seen them and wondered.
Life is about cycles of the wheel and as things come back around we get to work on it keep it or let it go. This comes with the Sagittarius influence of this moon and this one is a monumental.
Key words: alignment, full circle
Affirmation: I am ready for monumental change!

Stones for this cycle:
Amber: Is a wonderful resin that welcomed in the rock world for its wonderful properties of luck and support.
Sapphire:  Is a stone of peace and enlightenment. In this time of great change it is good to be peaceable as we find our way.
Emerald: Is a wonderful stone for emotional well-being.
Garnet: Is the talisman stone of Taurus and thus a power stone of this time aiding in healing and strength and enhancing our own personal powers.

My Dears, be happy and open and let life be all it can be for you.

In purest love
Lisa Ann

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri
Reiki master
Energy healer


  1. Thank You Lisa, very enlightening <3

  2. Beautiful as always. I missed you...I love this. and yes so many changes and so much new growth is going on in my life. Love you always ..thanks many blessings
