
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Year of the wooden Horse 2014

Happy Year of the Horse! The new Chinese year greets us with the year of the Horse.  The wood horse at that or as some would say the green horse for the connection to tree.

 It is said that Buddha told all the animals to come on the New Year to him. 12 showed up and this had a month named after them. It is further said that rat tricked Cat so that cat was not part of the Asia zodiac. It is also said that we possess qualities of the animal we are born under.

 Red is the primary color of Chinese New Year symbolic of fire which chases away bad luck.

 The celebration is very family oriented with wonderful feasts.
The lantern festival is very special part of it where beautifully painted lanterns are either hung up or carried in the parade.  There are images of history, nature, zodiac, on them.  A rather special part of the parade is the Dragon dance. The Dragon may well be  a hundred feet long!

If you were born in 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, or 2014 you were born in the year of the horse.The horse personality is rather diverse: humble, impatient, tolerant, hardworking, self-reliant. ..While the can be rather charismatic and enjoy being around others they do their best work outside of a big group.Romantically they love intimacy and the feeling of belonging, yet may run from it. They are most compatible with Sheep, tiger, and dog.

The year of the horse is a time of working together harmoniously. Love and money/business ventures are favored.  Feel the strong free spiritedness optimism of horse and honor it,… and Happy Year of the Horse. Much luck and bliss to you in this New Year!!!

The Great Race: The Story of the Chinese Zodiac Animals
“The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac – or shengxiao as they are known in Mandarin – represent the qualities and attributes of the people born in a certain year. But how did the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and boar come to typify the years, and how did they achieve their rank from first to twelfth?
The legend is an interesting one. Each Chinese zodiac sign and the order they rank in was decided by the mythical Jade Emperor and his favourite creature, the rat. When the task of choosing the zodiac animals fell to the Emperor, he asked the rat to help him. The resourceful rat decided that the best way would be to arrange a race across the river. The order in which the animals arrived would decide who would be second, third, fourth, and so on.
The rat put the word out across the kingdom, and the first creature to appear on the riverbank was the cat. The pair enlisted the help of the ox, who was resting nearby, and asked him to ferry them across the river. A kind old soul, the ox agreed, but just as they set off, the rat pushed the cat into the river. Hating water, the cat managed to get out and scurried away to dry off.
Thus, the ox was the second creature to reach the opposite shore. The strong tiger came next, followed by agile rabbit who hopped from stone to stone and floating log. The dragon was hot on the rabbits heels, and only came in fifth because he stopped to make rain and then help the rabbit with a gust of wind. The horse galloped effortlessly across the river, but was pipped to sixth place by the wily snake who was hiding on his hoof. The sheep, monkey, and rooster arrived together on a raft, taking eighth, ninth, and 10th places respectively. The dog was late because he had stopped for a wash in the river, and the pig had been sleeping, so took 12th place. The poor cat finally dragged himself over to the other side, but it was too late. His anger at the rat has lasted through the ages, and they are still mortal enemies.”

It is okay cat has been honored alone in form of  maneki-neko ( the beckoning cat) a lovely  Calico Cat who is said to bring luck. 

© Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. I had thought that each animal had an attribute similar to those of the zodiac.... This was very enlightening!! Arohanui Sis

    1. So glad you enjoyed sis. ^_^ Thanks for your support it means a lot. Arohanui! ♥ ♥ ♥
