
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Mercury retrograde: February 6- 28 2014

by Hendrick Goltzius
Mercury or Hermes is one of the messengers.  He is seen as a man with winged hat and wings on his feet. He is rather cunning and influences travel, financial gain, literature and poetry.  

He has also been seen as a symbol in the postal service as the mail men and women pride themselves on their swiftness and care with the mail.

Universally he is also seen very much of a Universal pot stirrer.  For this reason some are cautious.  
Cosmically we are now in a Mercury retrograde. Well, what does that mean? First look at the word retrograde which means to move backwards. When Mercury is in a retrograde it appears as though the planets are going in a backwards direction. This is an illusion called retrograde motion.

You see the Universal pot stirrers have a very important role in the Universe.  They keep things moving.

Now is a perfect time for this retrograde. The Spring will be upon us soon and time to shake out the cobwebs. Remove all the stagnant energy and make room for the freshness of Spring.

Many may become rather tense during retrogrades as things may come to the fore again.  This is not a time to go backwards this is a time to see the lessons learned there and not make the same mistakes, also tying up any loose ends as it were.  Clean out the old baggage to make room for more awesomeness.

This can well be a time to affirm how far we have come. If you are particularly intuitive your intuition will be on high, and beautiful “coincidences” can flow into your life.  Look for them.

As with anything we can choose to look at it as a curse or a blessing. 

Since now there is an illusion of backwards where so many see negative why not us that backwards and choose to see all as awesome. 

2014 retrograde dates:
  • February 6–28
  • June 7–July 2
  • October 4–25

I thank the messengers of the Universe for keeping me on the right track

Aho, Namaste, blessed be.

© Lisa Ann Ulibarri