
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Happy Imbolic/Groundhog day!!!

Happy Imbolic!!! This is one of the wonderful observances in the wheel of the year that comes from the earliest spiritual paths. Those who honor Nature and true pure forces that be.

It is the first of 4 Sabbats all of which honor the changing of the seasons and are reflective of the solar part of things.  There are also Esbats which are the other half of the wheel of the year celebrations and are full moon celebrations.

The earliest spiritual paths truly have a rapport with nature and that is why so many still follow these true ways.

Animals: Serpent, cat
Tree: Willow
Plants: Heather, violet, basil
Candle colors:  pink, green, blue, white
Rocks: Garnet, rose quartz, bloodstone, amethyst, moonstone

Imbolic, Is honored by many paths and peoples under various names:  Feast of torches, Oimelic, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan, Brighid’s day and many others. It is when the coming Spring is celebrated.  It is a time for that Spring cleaning. The long cold winter is beginning to fade and the sun is coming to play. Be ready to welcome  Spring!!!

Mother Earth is fertile.  And a cycle of new beginnings in the world and our lives is soon to come.  Welcome them.

Many Honor the Goddess Brighid( also know as saint Bidget)  who is the triple Goddess; the Sun Goddess symbolic of the coming of Spring; the Patron of the healers, bards, poets, and magicians giving her healing, inspiration, and sharing the truth (light) with all.

Some light candles in a circle all lit from the  first one and think of one in need .
For those in the new traditions, Happy Groundhog day. I just found out Phil the groundhog did not see his shadow  so early Spring ahead. The Celtics had a similar day where they would watch a snake to see if it saw its shadow singing this song:
                Thig an nathair as an toll
(The serpent will come from the hole)
la donn Bride
(on the brown day of Bride (Brighid)
Ged robh tri traighean dh’an
(though there may be three feet of snow)
Air leachd an lair
(On the surface of the ground.)
No matter the tradition or the time we have always been interested in the passing of the seasons.  And welcoming the new season with all the best intentions will draw the best to us. What we will shall be.

I welcome new beginnings.
I create the life I desire.

© Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. Beautiful post with information I did not know. Thanks for sharing this Lisa....the nature spirit

    1. Thanks sis. means a lot. I am happy to have informed you.
      love lis ♥

  2. Another informative blog! I love to learn new things....... Arohanui Sis.

    1. Thanks sis. I am so happy you learned something. I enjoy sharing what I know. arohanui! ♥

  3. Wonderful, Sister ! I give thanks for the Feminine essence that helps sustain and empower us. :) <3

    1. ☺Thank you brostar.So glad to hear that too <3

  4. Awesome Lisa, as always, Thank You - *luv & hugs* :)
