
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Happy New Moon January 8th, 2016/ Year of the Fire Monkey!!!!

Wow this New moon and the year of the Fire Monkey come on the same day. A very power time! Monkey is the 9th animal of the zodiac and this is a 9 year so that powerful influence is compounded.

This year pushes for major change to go over and beyond fearlessly. What do you want, who do you wish to be. Just leap and be.  Let your curiosity drive you to wonderful places you have never been and create. You feel clear like much has been completed so that you can take those next steps forward.

You may feel that inner guidance really strong now directing things.

And my Darlings, the year of the Fire (red) Monkey is here!!! Expect to accomplish much and much quicker. Things will seem easier and new ways of seeing things will come to you. Things could feel more light hearted in your expression.

“I am the seasoned traveler
Of the Labyrinth.
The genius of alacrity,
Wizard of the impossible.
My brilliance is yet unmatched
in its originality.
My heart’s filled with potent magic
that could cast a hundred spells.
I am put together
for mine own pleasure

Monkey is rather cleaver and is about solutions in great intellect and a bit mischievous too.  So expect this year to be really wonderfully intense.
In China they follow a system called Earthly branches which is either about years months or hours.  Through the zodiac this is how the years are counted; the twelve Terrestrial branches. Monkey is on the 9th branch called Shen branch.
Again think of the 9 year we are having which is about miracles, fulfillment and then look at this awesome year of the Fire Monkey and it being the ninth animal of the zodiac… Now look at the nature of Monkey a little bit deeper. Monkey is very free spirited not given to limitations or feelings of guilt a true go getter. There is no impossible in monkeys vocabulary it is either immediate or a little time but that is all. This New moon is just the beginning. So I wish you all a most bountiful New Year!
Some born in the year of the monkey are: Leonardo da Vinci, , Eleanor Roosevelt, Mick Jagger, Charles Dickens, Joe Cocker, George Lucas, Diana Ross, Julio Iglesias, Annie Oakley, Macauley Culkin and Elizabeth Taylor.
Monkey as a totem is very much of balance.  You will find yourself looking at the whole picture the dark and light of human nature and thus in this acceptance of both sides you will be empowered and understand seeing it all in a positive way. Monkey will lead you to inspiration, creativity, and insight.

Key words: fearless, accomplished
Affirmations:   I bravely go forth and accomplish!
I welcome my desires.
I accept all of me and I grow from it.
Stone for this cycle:
Amethyst:  a powerful protective and healing stone that can help us to move forward faster in this awesome cycle.
Amber: In this cycle of the Fire monkey we have this lovely stone to further add swift healing and confidence and creativity.

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri