
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy full moon, Friday 13, 2014!!!!

This moon is in Sagittarius; the fun loving, versatile, adventurous sign and is called by many names including: Full Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon and the Hot Moon, Oak Moon, Cold Moon, Long Night’s Moon.

Oh wow what a super fun full moon this is!! This is on Friday the 13th and also during a retrograde period!!! How cool is that!!! A time for super excitement!!! With all this first remember that a retrograde is not a time of negative it is a time of change. So let it flow. This one opens you to your trueness.  The full moon in itself is a time of veils being more open for influence.

Friday the 13th full moon last occurred in 2000 and the next one will be in 2049.

There is some awesome symbolism that is connected to the number 13:
1.       Rebirth into higher consciousness.
2.       Symbolic of Dragon.
3.       That which opens way for change.
4.       Aztecs see 13 as sacred and symbolic of completion.
5.       In tarot the 13th card is the death card which is symbolic of letting go of the old and making room for the new.
6.       A baker’s dozen is 13.
7.       The Hebrew word ahava which means love; has a numerical value of 13.

Now is a time where you can look at things clearly that many not be the best for your life and focus on what is best for you. Be open minded and you will thrive.  Seriously, do not be afraid to be who you are. So much awesome creativity abounds!

Key words: adventurous, diversity, self
Anything is possible.
I am freely and fearlessly me!

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. WOW!!!!! <3 <3 <3 this Lisa - awesome =D

  2. Great blog,sweetheart.You give us so much information on the subject.Most people will never have heard of all the stuff you wrote about.Really interesting,sweetie.I loved all the stuff you've shared.I never knew most of all you wrote about.Great changes can happen if you're trying to heal yourself,it sounds like
    .It's the perfect moon for it.Really groovy! All my love!

    1. Thanks Darling. The universe is helping us all the time. So yes great changes can happen! ☺ ♥

  3. Thank you Lisa for this information! I was not aware of this. Will pass this on to my sister whose birthday is on June 13. :) Hugs, <3

    1. My pleasure Marie! That is so cool i hope she as a most beautiful day! ☺ ♥
