
Friday, June 20, 2014

Happy Midsummer summer solstice, Litha!

Today is the first day of Summer when the forces of fertility, growth and love are strongest. The flowers are in bloom, fertility of our Mother Earth is high and from the most ancient of times many peoples and many paths have honored this day. As Nature was understood highly for the lessons and blessings and still is by many.

Some will jump over bonfires to encourage this fertility, and blessings and health.  When the fire went out the ashes would be collected and either worn in a pouch or a charm made of clay and the ash for protection.

And thus this is a good time to put out your intent in whatever way you so choose; ritual, prayer, affirmations; for health, and love and protection.

It is said that if you stay up all night on Midsummer’s eve in a circle of rocks then you might see fairies.

In Ireland it is believed that if you have a wish you desire to come true you “give it to the pebble”. This means that as you circle the bonfire on the third time around you whisper your wish as you throw the pebble into the fire.

Some created sun wheels which is a wheel made of have that was lit on fire and rolled down the hill to land in the river. If the fire went out before it got to the river it was symbolic of a good growing season.

In Egypt paper boats where filled with flowers and set on fire and allowed to float down the river to carry their prayers to divine.

Native Americans do the Sun Dance which they prepare for it for days to honor the sun as a symbol of the Great Spirit.

"Prayer for the Garden
Small plants, leaves and buds,
growing in the soil.
O fiery sun, may your rays of
light and warmth
bless us with abundance,
and allow these plants to blossom
with life."

© Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. I love the information I'm not aware of! Awesome as usual sis. Love you ♡♡

    1. Thanks sis so much. You are awesome. love u ☺ ♥

  2. Another beautiful blog,sweetheart.I love all the info that I would of never known about if it hadn't been for you and your researching.Great start to the summer.I loved the whole thing. <3 <3 <3 O:)

    1. Thanks my darling! Just sharing what i know. ☺ ♥

  3. Bliss and blessings for the season of summer. Arohanui 💖 Lisa 💖

    1. Thanks Sonya arohanui my this season be one of bliss and boundless blessings for you!!! ☺ ♥
