
Friday, December 5, 2014

Happy Full moon, December 5, 2014!!!!

It is our last full moon of the year and wow is it going out with a bang.  There are some really powerfully intense forces going on right now. We could well feel like the secrets of the universe are being revealed to us now in a wonderful flow!

Gemini’s influence has us looking deep and accepting our personal power. Time to surrender to the awesomeness of the cosmos and be all you are and see all that is. You are free!!!

Many of you may see the seeds planted coming to fruition and many things showing up in life. A newness and freeness that invigorates body and soul! Trust this awesomeness of life and the boundless possibilities. Dare to see with the heart beyond belief to what is real.  Happy harvesting of the beauty you have planted!


Serpentine helps with meditation and wisdom recall and brings balance

Jacinth strengthens the heart and brings wisdom and honor

Peridot a strong protective stone

 Key words: power, fruition, harvest

Affirmations:  I allow all that I am to flow to me.
 I surrender to the universe and all is revealed to me.

Full moon names around the world:
Moon Before Yule, Long Night Moon, Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, Rose Moon.

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. Really Kewl Lis, nice positive flow <3

  2. Sounds like a very powerful time.Thanks for all the information,sweetheart.I always love your blogs because I love full moons so much.May you be blessed in God's Heart.May you have a beautiful full Moon and may all your seeds yield a grand harvest of light!All my love,my dearest one!

    1. Thanks love for the blessing muahhhhhhhhhhhhh i wish u all the best too. i love u ☺ ☻ ♥ ♥

  3. Thanks sis I really needed this Happy New Year
