
Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy Full moon March 5, 2015!!!!

This moon is the smallest full moon of the year. Meaning it is furthest away from Mother Earth; 30,000 miles to be exact.

This Virgo moon comes to us in a most interesting way really impressing upon us to accept ourselves fully.  There is great power in this, for it opens us to a deeper sense of love and thus to a flow of healing.  Chiron is there to help any healing.

Virgo also is about what we can do for others or for the world. Whatever you can do at any given time let it flow.  Give of self.

This moon has the effect of that Spring cleaning too.  Purging, cleaning out, healing, renewal.

Key words: acceptance, healing, newness

I see me fully and the beauty of this.
I love helping others and feeding the flow of giving.

Stone for this cycle:
Rose quartz- helps in releasing negative emotions and tension.  It is wonderful for promoting the creative flow, and is seen as a stone of Love.

Names of full moon around the world:
 Northern Hemisphere: Sap moon, worm moon, Crow moon, Lenten moon
Southern Hemisphere: Harvest moon, Corn moon

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. Thanks,sweetheart.I saw one last night and I was wondering why it looked so small.It's not easy to accept yourself,fully.But I'll give it a try.That's nice about doing good to others.We should always be doing that.And lots of purging.Thanks,sweetheart for the great blog!

    1. Being good to others is the best gift we can give them. It is good for us physically too. ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥
