
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Happy Ostra/Spring equinox!!!

Happy Ostra/Spring equinox March 20, 2015 !!! (Solar eclipse/New Moon)

Now is the time of new beginnings. Mother Earth is fertile with new growth, babies are being born. The universal vibration is all about freshness, growth, new ideas, new ways of seeing things, building awesomeness!

The peoples of  the past always relied on the seasons for everything in life and many are still connected to this knowing of how all works together. The importance of ritual and honoring of all things. For some a circle was created outdoors and a fire created in honoring of the powers that be and in celebration of the new season and all it had to offer.

color of the season:

potted plant
cauldron or fire

Mother Earth connecting visualization:
Do this outside anyplace that makes you feel good and connected to Mother Earth. Sit or lie on the ground.  Take a few slow deep breaths and feel the warmth of the sun upon you, take in all the sounds around  and also the smells in the air. Focus on the feel of Mother Earth as you sit or lay on her. As a child in sweet embrace. as you do all this do not forget the nice warm sun upon you.
Focus on the spot above the head where the Crown chakra is. See the violet color this place of divine connection. Feel the sun warming this spot opening it.
Go down to the third eye chakra between the brows See the indigo color feel your intuitive nature grow as this chakra is open.
Continue on at your own pace to the throat chakra the lovely blue chakra of self expression of all sorts. It opens and so does the doors of expression of self.
Go to the heart chakra, the color green of growth like the love of ones heart, of compassion, caring. Feel it flow through you growing more and more.
Next the solar plexus the spot just below the ribs. The sunshine glows there in bright yellow. You feel strong and confident as this chakra opens.
Just below the belly button the sacral chakra begins to glow in lovely orange emotion flows of love to you and to others, your creativity is sparked. this chakra is open wide.
and now the root chakra at the base of the spine glows in a fiery red your feel safe and grounded.
This warmth of the sun flows through you now and down to Mother Earth nourishing her and back up to you nourishing you. Together you flow in a harmony and wholeness as Tree and Mother. Your roots grow strong. Mother is strong.
You are ready to except the gifts of Spring!

New Moon/Solar eclipse
Along with this groovy new season and thus also effecting things we have a Solar eclipse and New moon!!


Wowza what a cycle! Now is a time of great bravery to take those leaps of faith that came make powerful changes in our life. It is about seeing our “wings” and knowing we can fly and doing it. With that absolute knowing you are on the right path, you are sure to succeed.

With the solar eclipse the flow of things is very different but those moments of just knowing can come to us in the most awesome times.
Just knowing what is right for us. Just knowing something is so. Trust self now it knows.

What choices and roads are right for you? Dare to dream big and to allow the growth of the season of Spring to unfold into your life.

Key words: choices, growth,

I am aligned with the growth of Springtime

Stone for this cycle:
Organite- Organite is actually a vessel for purifying the atmosphere. It is created with resin and various stones as well as metal.

Garnet- a cleansing and protective stone symbolic of love and commitment

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. Awesome Lady Spring - well said - the Tree and visualization are like exclamation marks, emphasizing the depth of this post - Thank You for being You, a vision most awesome *hugs*

  2. Thanks,sweetheart.Lot's of great information.A time for new begginings.Great visualization.It'll connect you Mother Earth.Thanks for the great blog,sweetie.I really loved it.Learned some new things,just like all your other superb blogs.Great stuff,sweetie.Thanks,again!

    1. Thanks darling. It is good to be connected to Mother Earth too it helps us stay grounded. Happy Spring. ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. amazing as usual sis <3 I I spend so much time in nature. I will try your mediation...sounds awesome <3 love always

    1. Oh awesome sis!!! I do as well i hope u enjoy it! lots of love u to muahhh! ☺ ♥

  4. Thanks my sweet angel dragon soul sister x much appreciated, very interesting and informative x sending you blessings of love & light always x angel rose xx
