
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New year 2016!!!

Happy 9 Year.  2016 2+0+1+6=9.
First take it down a bit more to 3 3’s… # Is all about divinity and our connection this way; the holy Trinity; being connected to Jesus; growth.  So this in triplicate is a highly powerful thing.

Now let’s look at the number 9 the number of completion/endings.

So what this year means for us is that we will have boundless divine support as we go into this new cycle.  We will find ourselves letting go of old habits, etc. that do not serve us anymore and letting the new personality, which is our truth shine forth.
So see this as the year of miracles and well it is that also. As we let go of things we create more room for that which we would desire and which is more us. 

I suggest that you be kind to yourself through this experience as it should be one to be celebrated... take time to deal what needs to be dealt with and remember it all took time to create so at times it could take time to clean out. With all the support including that of our soul family all will flow well.

Remember this all could be in the form of environment too have to collected too much stuff and its overwhelming perhaps it’s time to downsize.

So my Dears I wish you all a bountiful and beautiful new cycle. May it be all you desire and beyond. Yes beyond at times we do place limits to how “ahhhhmazing” life can be.

I wanted to let you all know I am always there for you along the way if you need me.

Here is a visualization I have created to help us prepare for the New Year it can be done over and over as needed some of us may feel a need to release much. Each time it is done you will feel newer and more … You! 

Take a deep breath and with it focus on this very moment and breathe out all the other things on your mind

Take another deep breath letting your-self relax more.

Take one last deep breath seeing divine white light entering you through the top of your head
 From the bottom up you become filled, from your feet. You can feel them tingle and relax.

With each level take a deep breath…

Now up the legs. Slowly from the calves, knees, and thighs you feel the light feeling you as you focus on reading my words.

The up the hips, bottom, and waist you feel and see in your mind’s eye the white light filling you. Slowly let it happen…

Now the light travels up the chest/back area you love this feeling of feeling full of light. You can feel it and envision it. It is warm and refreshing and you feel all the areas it touches tingle.

Now up the fingers and arms, shoulders, and to the throat. All areas are feeling vibrant and newness.
Up to the head and the circling around the bodies auric layers. You can hear them chime  you can feel the aliveness.

You sit in silence for a few moments and allow the feeling of the white light to build.  Any parts of the body that need healing you take more time to focus on. Any feelings you need to release you allow to go. The chakras are spinning and clearing.

As you let go and heal the white light enters those spots leaving space for all the blessings and wonderfulness you want.

Take all the time you need to feel this and focus on areas that need special attention and allow the healing and releasing. Mind and body and spirit all together vibrant white energy.
When you are ready let all the things that you were able to clear out to drain to mother Earth. Thank her for taking this excessive energy you do not need and allow her to take it in in ways for her to nourish for all is perception; energy. And as you are nourished so is she.

The white lights glow remains with you and you thank divine for this.

You will continue to feel the positive changes.

Take a deep breath from the core (belly) hold it a moment and let go knowing you have let go of much today.

Take another core breath and give thanks

Take a deep breath and sit a moment

© Lisa Ann Ulibarri
Reiki master