
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Happy Full~ Moon August 29th, 2015!!!!

Be true to yourself this Pisces moon this is the balance that we all need, that which speaks to the soul. This cycle is very personal now. You could see a lot of inner things being released and with this lightness, that was also felt in the New Moon, there may be lots of daring to flow towards our dreams and desires.  Take those leaps and succeed!

With it all you may feel yourself breaking away from much with total ease. As you go in new and true directions. It is time to celebrate as the seeds planted in the new moon are coming to fruition.

Key words:  break free, newness, truth

I am flowing with my true purpose!

Stones for this cycle:
Peridot: Enhances confidence opening one up to higher levels of growth
Dalmation Jasper: Helps one see their strengths and weaknesses better. Also encourages fun!

Full moon names
Northern hemisphere: The Sturgeon Moon, The Green Corn Moon, the Red Moon or the Grain Moon.
Southern Hemisphere:  Snow Moon, Storm Moon, Hunger Moon, Wolf Moon

©Lisa Ann Ulibarri


  1. I couldn't wait to read your post! I love it as always. Thanks and infinte blessings ♡♡♡

    1. Thank you so much Dear sis love and blessings to u too sis ☺ ♥
