
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


I am happy. In this moment, I am happy and happiness is me.
I welcome the day with happiness

6 keys to happiness
1.  Feel
We can think too much about stuff and really hold ourselves back. Instead let yourself feel.. feel love, peace, happiness.. doesn't it feel good? Ahhh!!!

2. Gratitude
There is so much in our lives to be grateful for. Start making that list in your head and you will see.

Let us see with the eyes of Christ; with love.

4. Smile 
The action of smiling actually does make us feel better. why not smile all the time?

 5. Be you
The best gift we can give to the world and to ourselves is our-self. So open your eyes and heart to you. You are a divine being.

6. Love
Last but not least,.... Love! Love In our hearts goes hand in hand with happiness.

Even these flowers seem to be smiling.